The Ultimate Guide to Buying Appliances Online

Dejan Josipovic
Would You Buy Appliances Online?

Hard to find parking, long queues, missing or out of stock products, and crowded places are inconveniences you endure at brick-and-mortar stores. In 2022, more than 5 million Australian households participate in online shopping each month spending a record $62.3 billion on online shopping. Sixty-nine percent of Australian residents have bought popular appliances online.

Online shoppers enjoy a vast selection, great prices, and convenient delivery options. Read to learn factors to consider when buying appliances online, the benefits, and how to avoid scamming.

Factors to Consider When Buying Appliances Online

Buying appliances online is convenient, but be careful about your purchase. If you don't know what to look for, or if you don't take the time to understand the product and its specifications, you could buy an appliance that doesn't serve your needs. Here are what you should consider when buying appliances online:


The cost of an appliance depends on its brand, size, speed, specifications, and other factors. The best way to determine an appliance's cost is by researching the Internet or asking friends and family members who might have bought similar appliances. Always look for the best deals and discounts before purchasing. 

Quality & Materials

Look for an appliance with durable materials that will last for years. Ensure your product has been tested and meets your needs before buying. You want to ensure that your new dishwasher, for example, is made with stainless steel or another material that will stand up to the rigors of everyday use.

Your Needs and Your Space

Does your house or apartment have enough room to store the appliance? Will it fit where you want it? Ensure new appliances fit comfortably into what is already there, so everything doesn't look crowded or cluttered. Take measurements of your space and compare them to the dimensions of an appliance before you buy it.

Return/Replacement Policy

If the product is damaged or doesn't work as advertised, you'll want the option to return it for a refund or exchange. The best sellers offer a 30-day return policy. It gives you time to test your new appliance and ensure it works as expected before deciding whether or not to keep it.

Product Description

Does it include all the information about what you'll be getting? Is there enough detail about its dimensions or features? Retailers provide detailed descriptions of their products so that shoppers know what they're getting before a purchase. If not, that might signal that this company isn't trustworthy.

Customer Reviews

Checking customer reviews help you to know how satisfied other customers are with the product before you buy it. The reviews will give you an idea of how well the product performs, how easy it is to use, and how well it holds up over time. It helps you decide whether or not it is worth your money.

What are the Benefits of Purchasing Appliances Online?

Buying appliances online has been a popular option for years. While it may seem like a better deal to go to the store, there are many advantages to buying your appliances online. How can you be sure you're getting the best deal? The following are the benefits of purchasing appliances online.

Variety of Choices

You can only look at what is on display when you enter a store. If you want something different, you will wait until it arrives in the store or order it in advance. However, when you shop online, you can browse hundreds of brands, styles, and sizes and find what you need. 

No Pressure From Salespeople

There are no salespeople pressuring customers into making purchases they don't want or need. When shopping in person at a store like Best Buy or Sears, employees sell their products—and they will use every trick in their arsenal to get customers into buying something they might not necessarily need or even want!

Saves on Time

When purchasing appliances online, you avoid the hassle of going from store to store and standing in line. With so many options available, you can find what you're looking for within minutes. You can also compare prices and features to ensure you're getting a great deal on appliances that will last.

Easy Accessibility

When you buy an appliance online, all the information about the product will be right there at your fingertips. You can access reviews and videos that show how the product works and how to install it! It makes it easy for anyone who doesn't know much about appliances to feel confident in their purchase.

Reviews are More Easily Available

You can find reviews on Amazon, where people leave honest feedback about their purchased products. You can see what other customers think of a product and its functionality before you buy it, making it much easier to make an informed decision about whether or not you should purchase a particular appliance.

How To Avoid Online Shopping Scams

You can avoid online shopping scams by:

  • Don't trust people selling products at below-market prices easily.
  • Look for reviews before making a purchase.
  • Ensure you are using a secure site. You should see an icon of a lock or key on the browser's address bar or at the bottom of a page.

Why We Get Scammed Online

It's not your fault. People are inherently trusting, and when you see something that looks like a good deal, you often give in to the temptation to buy it. Also, you can be tricked into giving your money away. You may not realize it at first, but once you do, it's too late.

How to Avoid Getting Scammed

Here are some tips to help you stay safe:

  • Don't be afraid to ask questions. 
  • Research the company or product before making a purchase.
  • Beware of people that ask for personal information. 
  • Check the seller's rating and reviews from other customers who have used them.
  • Look at whether the seller accepts returns on their product.

What to Do If You Get Scammed

You can:

  • Contact the company that sold you the product or service and ask for a refund. If they refuse, contact your credit card company and tell them about the situation. 
  • If the seller is an individual, contact their local police department and file a report about what happened to you. 

Why It Is Worthy Buying Home Appliances from an Online Store

Buying home appliances from an online store is an excellent option for buyers keen on saving time, effort, and money. With the proper research and due diligence, online appliance shopping can be safe. Check the product description for what you're buying and ensure to browse customer reviews before you commit. You can avoid many pitfalls associated with online appliance shopping by being proactive and attentive. Visit The Appliance Guys website - for free appliance consultation or site check.

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70 Peter Brock Drive, 

Eastern Creek, New South Wales 2766, 



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