6 Reason Why You Should Have a Dishwasher in a Rental Property

Jae Roger Pamilacan


  1. Retain Tenants
  2. Higher return on investment
  3. Attracts higher quality tenants
  4. Happy tenants pay rent
  5. Increase value of property
  6. Environment

A landlord's greatest wish is a long-term tenant who consistently pays rent. So, why is a dishwasher so important? Consider the tenant's perspective. After a long day at the office and preparing dinner for the family, they face a pile of dishes to wash by hand. There are likely other activities they would prefer to do. If you were the tenant, would you find a dishwasher valuable enough to justify a higher monthly rent payment? Below, we present six arguments in favor of including a dishwasher in an investment property.

1. Retain Tenants

In the process of renting out an investment property, finding a decent renter is the first step, but keeping them may prove to be the most challenging. Having a dishwasher in the unit may seem like a minor perk, but it might go a long way towards keeping the ideal tenant you've finally found.

2. Higher return on investment

If you had to choose between renting a property without a dishwasher and one with a slightly higher rent that includes a dishwasher, which would you pick? Most likely, you'd choose the home with the dishwasher for its convenience and overall benefit to your lifestyle. As a landlord, installing a dishwasher might cost $400 to $500, but this expense can lead to a higher return on investment for your property.

3. Attracts higher quality tenants

To attract better tenants, you can broaden your appeal to a higher-income market by offering additional amenities. These add-ons might include storage, lighting, air conditioning, and, in this case, dishwashers. While dishwashers are an investment, they will increase the property's value and help you boost your rental income over time.

4. Happy tenants pay rent

A satisfied renter is more valuable than their name suggests. They not only avoid complaints but also provide a positive long-term return on investment. Tenants content with their living situation are more likely to pay rent on time. While keeping tenants satisfied may require extra effort, the investment is worthwhile in the long run.

5. Increase value of property

Having a dishwasher will increase the value of your home, benefiting you as the current owner and attracting future buyers. This holds true whether or not you plan to move back into your home. New appliances, like dishwashers, enhance resale value by providing a functional feature, modernizing the kitchen's overall atmosphere, and making the house more appealing to potential buyers.

6. Environment

As a landlord who cares about the environment, installing a dishwasher in your rental home can help reduce water and energy usage. Research shows that a dishwasher uses half the energy, one-sixth the water, and less soap compared to hand-washing the same amount of dirty dishes. Modern dishwashers outperform even the most careful hand washers in terms of cleanliness. By adding a dishwasher to your rental property, you contribute to environmental conservation while providing tenants with a more effective way to clean their dishes.

Whether you have just purchased a new investment property or are considering adding a dishwasher to an existing one, the reasons above should assist you in making your decision. As a landlord, you'll enjoy numerous benefits, and your tenants will also greatly appreciate the addition, leading to satisfied, high-quality tenants.

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